20140614_174731v9957Feb 24 2013. That is when I started to write posts about my tiny house build. June 14 2014 I am actually putting on my first piece of wood. First a layer of 2×3 ‘s to even out the bent trailer a little. I just finished a coat of paint on the trailer the bottom will have touch ups to do later when I get under it ready to attach ply wood. I will do the under paint then. Now I am heading out to the trailer, generator on, handsaw ready, power drill to drive in the 24 cent each special self drilling and tapping screws. and a pile of two by threes that I ripped from two by tens last year. Putting on my tool belt and making my best attempt at a Tim Allen grunt I head out to the trailer just in time to catch a down pour. Its temporary, I have time for a coffee then I will wait out the storm.  more later

An hour later used six of the new screws to put four in. The screws are too long and too weak for the old iron on the trailer. I have to pre drill a pilot hole for each screw.  Wherever there is square tubing under the hole the screw has to try to drill twice. They would rather snap than do that. I have already snapped the drill bit I was using for the pilot hole. I have another set here somewhere. More delays. I taking a break and sucking down a cool water as I try to remember where I put the drill bits. At least I can draw some comfort knowing they are safe even from me. Now are the times I miss having someone around.  Too big of a place too many places to search. Now I remember why I was building the Tiny house in the first place.

In a few minutes I will go out again my goal for today is to have the trailer covered in two x threes ready for sub floor. I may paint them to protect them from the rain until I can bring some plywood in

I spent most of the afternoon out there putting the boards in. I need to rip more 2×3  lumber to finish I may do that tomorrow. It will be Father’s Day . Happy Fathers day for all the fathers out there that have dedicated there lives to raising there children or at least helping to pay the huge amount of money it takes to pay for your kids upbringing. When your kids forget to call or don’t for whatever reason remember that you did the best you could.



