Month: July 2014

Table saw

Update below Some days I wonder why I do what I do. Why build a tiny house, I have a house. I keep running into obstacles that stop me dead in my tracks as I try to build my tiny house. I KEEP ON KEEPING ON. My one eyed and pregnant cat curled on my…

One more tree

It is morning as I wake, after gently pushing a cat or two out of the way. I look  over and see the montage of my kids on the wall, now grown up and gone. Then I look out the high window and enjoy my 60 foot tall black poplar. The redwing blackbirds singing me awake in…

Looking for Mr. Wolf

I have romanticized Wolves for most of my life as mystical creatures. I have pictures of them on my walls. Feeling pain and anger hearing of wolves hunted for pelts or fun. I have always felt they were kindred spirits and seeing them, an omen of good fortune to come. Until a pair coming through my land…