Month: August 2014

The frost giants are coming.

  Out to the barbecue,  fire up the side burner fill up the kettle for my morning coffee. I hear a familiar honking of my own personal squadron of Canada Geese as they do the fall flyby to say goodbye for this year. I live in an amazing place. I am under a major migratory…


  So what the heck is Kiva you ask.  It is an organization that helps people in other countries to find small loans for business, home improvements, education, agriculture and more. There is a video below that describes how it works. I started loaning small amounts a few years ago, I didn’t have the money…

Pulling a thistle

Yesterday on my way outside I grabbed my leather gloves. I thought I would resume my battle with my thistles in my veggie garden. I pulled about ten plants, on the eleventh, I felt a popping in my lower back. then extreme pain. The rest of the evening I spent in my recliner, trying not…