Yesterday on my way outside I grabbed my leather gloves. I thought I would resume my battle with my thistles in my veggie garden. I pulled about ten plants, on the eleventh, I felt a popping in my lower back. then extreme pain.

The rest of the evening I spent in my recliner, trying not to move. Any deviation from my current position caused shrieks that scared every animal within earshot.

Somehow I managed to get up and cook a pancake for supper, a pancake was easy enough. Every step, every turn, caused pain. Getting back to my chair was the only relief.

Thankful that I had maintained my generator. A flip over to full choke a quick tug on the starter rope one more shriek and the little engine sputtered to life.

I said a quick thank you to powers unseen. I couldn’t bear sitting in a chair for hours staring at a blank screen. My mind is too active.

A couple more yells and I was seated again with my computer on and a drink and a ten inch pancake covered in butter and something called honeyberry jam I had bought from a man selling it on the street, he had made it himself. I started Netflix and Sketchup (a 3d design program),

I started in on my pancake. The little burned marks on the pancake only added flavor to the gluten free buckwheat pancake.

After a few hours  of computer work and a couple of distraction movies in the background I managed to get through the pain and crawled into bed.

I had to share with the one week old kitten and her mother. Getting around them was interesting. No matter where I put the kitten and mother they would always be back on the bed by bedtime.

7:00 AM I had hoped that my spine would realign it self during the nights rest, it wasn’t to be. I had things to do places to go. My back said nope.

I had a customer coming this morning to have some work done.  I had to go to town to make a  payment to cover the my interest on a line of credit, that was secured by my land.

I needed to pick up some food the cupboard was getting bare not to mention no cream for tomorrows morning coffee.

I needed the customer to come so I could collect enough cash to do all of the above.

The customer called and was delayed till three. The timing was to close. The bank closed at 5, the computer work would take an hour. The trip to town was a half hour normally.

The sore back would add fifteen minutes. Plus I needed to find the customer to get payment he would be somewhere in town. That was if the customer showed up on time.

I realized that everything was out of my control. I decided to sit back and let things happen.

I didn’t want to lose my land, I did want to help my customer who had no one else to turn to. He was making a two hundred mile round trip to me so I could fix his auctioneer software. I had done the same for another auctioneer.

The man who designed the software had dementia and could no longer help them. I know because I spent three hours on the phone with him trying to get him to send one little file to no avail. My mother was suffering from the same affliction so I have some experience.

So what could I really do, nothing. Sit back,in my recliner be calm and trust that every thing would workout.

All was not lost I had enough cream for my coffee.

I don’t think I could manage another generator pull so I fired up the side burner on my barbecue and boiled the water. That just took a a turn of two knobs and the blue flames were licking up the sides of the whistling kettle.

Looking down I noticed I was surrounded by a hungry hoard, My outside cats and dogs were waiting for their morning meal. Bending down to give the dogs food and filling the tubs for the cats food was a challenge.

Once that was done my kettle signalled me that it was time. I poured hot water through the cone I had ready with filter and coffee. It was somehow satisfying to see the brown liquid pour into the cup that was holding the last of the cream.

Back into the recliner with my coffee I started my baby laptop so I don’t have to pull on the string that starts my gennie. I start to write.inspired on by someone who enjoyed what I had to say.

With one cat asleep on my arm and another asleep on my legs while I type this I realize that I had a very tall cup of coffee. I needed to get up. There was some urgency.

So my writing has come to a quick ending with a loud shriek as I get up from my chair.


Take care Rod