They are leaving


Out to the barbecue,  fire up the side burner fill up the kettle for my morning coffee. I hear a familiar honking of my own personal squadron of Canada Geese as they do the fall flyby to say goodbye for this year.
I live in an amazing place. I am under a major migratory route. I get to witness huge flocks of birds flying over twice a year. They let me know Spring is here and winter is not too far away. My geese and soon the swans fly just over twenty feet above on the way south to a warmer place. Some of them may even survive the onslaught of the hunters, some kill for sport and some to help with food.

For me it means I need to get my ass in gear and get ready for winter. I need to get firewood, finish a garage so I can do some building this fall and winter. I have run into many problems this year, table saw problems, hurting my back low on cash. I am not interested in making excuses. I did manage to get my trailer welded. I layed down a final design, (I am sure I will change that )

I managed most of all to survive the year without losing my land. I have been under attack financially to the extreme. Even by my own government, an overzealous employee froze my bank accounts, almost putting me out of business. This is the help for business that My prime minister promised. I have seen many other businesses attacked the same way.

Later in the year I had my power retailer demand a huge deposit to keep my power on. I had a discussion with them they promised to remove the deposit amount. Then the next  month they doubled it. I told them to remove the power poles and shut off the power. This would have happened anyway. The power company was charging me more in hidden fees than the sum of the power I was Using in electricity every month.
The tiny house would have been completely off the grid when finished I just saw the need to do it sooner.Canadagoose

Then the power company came on my land and chopped down a beautiful tree and cleared out all the willows around my fire pit. I was growing those there on purpose. When I confronted the work crews they told me they knew there was no power and that they were told to cut them any ways. Punishment for daring to leave the grid. Maybe.

After that debacle I started to receive bills from the power company for not having power. More discussions and the promise those charges would be reversed. Yesterday another bill even higher for not having power. Another discussion and more promises.

Does all this mean I have given up hope of ever building a tiny house. Nope it means I have redouble my efforts.

What kind of craziness drives people like me to do this. I am not sure except I have a strong dislike for the current practices of business and government.  I see that most of us are in financial slavery.

So i guess that makes me a dangerous radical. I am daring to buck the system and the system is is fighting back. I fought the law and we all know how that turns out.

One thing is sure  the snow is coming and I need to get working on a few projects quickly.

Coming to my house soon

Whatever happens in my life and in yours

“keep on going until you can’t. And then go a little further”

Take care
