cutting wood 002


I have been dreading this day since December 2 2014, the day of my car accident. Winter is approaching although slowly thank God. I need winters wood. I have put this off as long as I can. Many have promised to come and help, but none that show That part is okay, it is after all my problem.

My back and neck were broken in the accident. My neck semi repaired my back untouched and even unexamined.

I got up early and started to gather and don my amour and weapon. A forty pound Sthil chainsaw the only saw I have left. I spend an hour finding all the things I need and gather them into one place outside. OIl, gas, chainsaw file, grease gun, eye protection, hearing protection, chainsaw pants, the ones with gash across the leg to remind me why I wear them,  and the portable vise I need to sharpen the chain.

An hour later I am cleaning the air filter, filling it with gas, oil and grease. I make an attempt to sharpen the saw.

I suck at this. Then I have to rest for an hour, my back is already too sore to continue.

Finally I am pulling on the starter cord to try to start it, more pain. The saw sputters then roars to life, I am cutting wood. I start small with a twenty five foot long tree 12 inches in diameter. I cut it into pieces suitable for firewood. My sharpening job didn’t last, the last few pieces cut, spewed pounds of Bolivian marching powder instead of the uniform chips it should have done. The chain was so dull I would have had a hard time cutting bread with that chainsaw, I had to stop.

When I stopped,  I fully realized the pain that I was feeling. My back had completely given out I couldn’t manage more than a shuffle down the twenty yards of driveway from the woodpile. I put my saw down, took off my bandanna and other protection. Knowing I only could manage a few more steps, I crumpled into a quivering and twitching heap on what used to be lawn, now tall grass, and tried to manage the pain.

Another hour there and I was able to get to my bed. Another hour passes and I was able to go back outside to see what I accomplished. 18 small pieces of firewood not even split or stacked.  It was enough to cover a warm evening in my house. In forty below it was enough for about four hours of heat. I need 2500 pieces split and stacked close to the house to survive the cold.

Gone are the days where I would buck up firewood for fours hours at a time then rest for twenty minutes and continue for another four. This was going to be a very long and cold winter. The rest of the strength I had left I managed to bring in the saw and the supplies and once more crumple into a heap, thinking about days gone by before the pain.

I will make another attempt in a few days. I hope, no I pray I can endure the pain. Do I think I am some kind of hero for attempting this. Nope Just doing what needs to be done.  As always



Someone showed up to help for a couple of hours. I learned I was using the wrong file to sharpen the saw. I also learned my limit is about a half hour of cutting a time. That’s it . That isn’t the end of the story. The wood doesn’t stack or split itself. Not in my world. That will happen another day the weather is holding so far.