
what 800 lbs of split wood looks like


Today I moved a wheelbarrow full of green wood 100 feet. I had to take a rest halfway and I looked like I was walking on Jupiter, gravity squashing me down at every step. I keep on chooglin’. Its something I repeat to myself to keep going when the pain gets too bad, or I am ready to quit. (just looked up the lyrics for that song man did I have that wrong)

After resting for an hour I thought I would try chopping some of the green wood. I do not have a choice.   I could have paid someone to help, but I was denied a small disability payment from the Government, mostly because my senile doctor cut my throat and told them I wasn’t really hurt. Idiot

Doesn’t matter, this is what my life is now. I persevere , because I just don’t give up. I don’t because of the great ones who passed before me that wouldn’t either Churchill, Lincoln,  and even Jesus . There were many others too many to mention these were great men and I am sure that there were many great many great women as well.

Do I think I am great, nope, just an ordinary man trying to survive and find some happiness along the way. I could just pass it off by stating that there are others worse off than me but I won’t, everyone has their burdens to bear. Mine seem to be insurmountable some days. They are not, I take them one step and one piece of wood at a time.

My days are filled with pain and without much company but I have my animals. They have taught me more about love than most humans will ever know. I thank God for them.


Mike & Ike

Now sitting in my chair best I can, I type these words with a small cat tucked into my hoodie (it likes it there) another sitting on my legs. Do I think anyone will ever read this, doesn’t matter, the writing is my therapy, keeps me sane and remembering that happiness is really just a warm fire and bunch of animals enjoying the warmth. It would be nice to find a mate, a decent one this time, but that may not happen in this lifetime. I am okay with that.

Today I am warm and content and so are the animals.