20201outIt has been a very longtime since I wrote anything. Two years ago a white truck on a white road hidden by the sun and the white frost on my passenger t-boned me. I stopped at the stop sign, looked like I have a thousand times before, on a dirt road a mile from house. I didn’t see anyone.

I had my two dogs with me. One was killed instantly the other unharmed but now dying from a cancer two years later. She will go for her last ride in a couple of days. Sorry to see her go.

Me I broke my neck and my back in the accident. The pickup had a fuel tank in the box which added to the mass and he was definitely going at least double the speed limit.

I am lucky to have survived, they say. My neck was repaired but my back was ignored by two doctors but a doctor in the diagnostic imaging caught the damage in an x ray a few months later. both the GP and the surgeon ignored the report. I managed to get a hold of a copy and went back to the surgeon. He admitted his mistake and told me it was too late to fix the damage. On every visit to both I complained about the pain. I complained everyday during my 45 day stay in two hospitals.

Here I am still complaining. Nevermind. I have constant back pain the only relief is laying down for twenty minutes. every twenty minutes. I can still do what needs doing but there is a price I need to pay and that is pain. I had to chop wood every day for the last two winters since the accident. I used to love to do that. Now it is wearing my body down. Arthritis is showing up in many of my joints. My wrist and knee that were damaged in the accident still cause pain. That was my good knee By the way. The bad one was totaled by a drunk driver in 1986 along with my right ankle. which they wanted to fuse back then. I said no not sure why. Now, you guessed that ankle is also failing.

The exciting news I am back in my workshop getting it ready so I can build my tiny house. I just added a new fence on my table saw, so I can handle plywood easier. I finally got a thickness planer after talking about it for twenty years. Of course I find out I also need a jointer. The reason I got the planer is I can use all the old wood I have here. In the end it will save me thousands of dollars.

I need to do that because now I live on a small disability which my government is constantly trying to screw me out of. The disability did not pay for the planer. It pays my basic needs my utilities, food and fuel. I managed to do a few small jobs and I saved for five months to get this.

The hardware owner wasn’t that impressed when I went in with all my saved coins and small bills, at least until he realized he wouldn’t have to make a run to the bank to get small change. I could barely lift the unit it took me a week to get it up to my shop which used to be my kitchen.

I figure in another week. I will be back to building. I am waiting on weather now. I decided I wanted to build it near my pond outside the shop door.  Where my back garden is. It has become a thistle patch since the accident. I bought a big tarp and was pleased to find out one side was black. It will serve as a weed killer for now but will shelter the tiny house later.

That’s all for this update.