It has been many months since I wrote here. so much has happened in my life. I have experienced death and near death. I have starved and had plenty. I managed to get through more attacks from own government. The government I swore to protect and serve during my time in the Military here in Canada. I survived the end of my Business. I survived a major car accident. I survived the death of three of my animals directly and indirectly a result of the accident. I survived 45 days of torture in the hands of people that were supposed to giving care. I survived the pain of the three different attempts to repair the damage to my body. I survived just recently a fall on to frozen ground from ten feet landing on already damaged vertebrae. I have survived my Insurance company stalling and find excuses not to pay me so I can meet the simplest of needs. I survived running out of fuel for heat. I survived without food many times. I survived without drugs to kill the pain of the broken neck and back.

I survived. I survived. I survived.

I never once wanted to quit. I still do not. Do I know how I am to get through the next day and the next week or the next month, not a fuckin clue. Am I worried, not a chance. I find a way each moment each day and week, I don’t really mean me, I mean those around me. I had a logging truck load of wood delivered and donated. I had a visit from the Secret Angels society that brought me food when I needed it. I had rides into the hospital to make my follow up visits and again my emergency call after the fall the other day. All with the help of friends and a member of my family.