Author: Rod

Apr 14

It has been an 8-year journey getting to here. I am back at doing another version. I needed to fit a new family inside. Here are some of the pics not done

Mar 30 2021 Trailer

Growing up in a trailer, you think everything you get is good. I always thought it was a gift from God, because some people are out here struggling and on the street. We had warmth. We had clothes. We had a roof over our head. Bam Adebayo It’s been a long time since I posted…

Evolution of my tiny house from 2013 till now

Furiously Doing my Dishes. Goodbye to Power from my Power lines.

   THIS IS A VERY OLD POST THAT NEVER GOT PUBLISHED. I can’t remember the actual date, when I disconnected from the grid, but I am sure it was sometime in 2014. Surviving fine without need more solar panels and some better batteries but slowly but surely I am getting there. A few moments ago…

Been awhile

It has been many months since I wrote here. so much has happened in my life. I have experienced death and near death. I have starved and had plenty. I managed to get through more attacks from own government. The government I swore to protect and serve during my time in the Military here in…

Getting Ready

It has been a very longtime since I wrote anything. Two years ago a white truck on a white road hidden by the sun and the white frost on my passenger t-boned me. I stopped at the stop sign, looked like I have a thousand times before, on a dirt road a mile from house….

Another day Another Coyote Chase

Today I went out to my little deck to have my coffee and let the dog out. I noticed a familiar grey shape hiding in the grass looking for a cat snack. My dog noticed too. Once she is in hunting mode human words can’t stop her. I knew what needed to happen. I ran…

I keep on chooglin’

    Today I moved a wheelbarrow full of green wood 100 feet. I had to take a rest halfway and I looked like I was walking on Jupiter, gravity squashing me down at every step. I keep on chooglin’. Its something I repeat to myself to keep going when the pain gets too bad,…

Broken Gladiator

I have been dreading this day since December 2 2014, the day of my car accident. Winter is approaching although slowly thank God. I need winters wood. I have put this off as long as I can. Many have promised to come and help, but none that show That part is okay, it is after…

What a Fookin year

        Wow Its been a year since I committed words to the page of this blog. I have survived and walked away from a major accident. Now when I say walked away. I mean I climbed out of my vehicle now on fire, realized my neck and back were broken and layed down…