Author: Rod

The frost giants are coming.

  Out to the barbecue,  fire up the side burner fill up the kettle for my morning coffee. I hear a familiar honking of my own personal squadron of Canada Geese as they do the fall flyby to say goodbye for this year. I live in an amazing place. I am under a major migratory…


  So what the heck is Kiva you ask.  It is an organization that helps people in other countries to find small loans for business, home improvements, education, agriculture and more. There is a video below that describes how it works. I started loaning small amounts a few years ago, I didn’t have the money…

Pulling a thistle

Yesterday on my way outside I grabbed my leather gloves. I thought I would resume my battle with my thistles in my veggie garden. I pulled about ten plants, on the eleventh, I felt a popping in my lower back. then extreme pain. The rest of the evening I spent in my recliner, trying not…

Table saw

Update below Some days I wonder why I do what I do. Why build a tiny house, I have a house. I keep running into obstacles that stop me dead in my tracks as I try to build my tiny house. I KEEP ON KEEPING ON. My one eyed and pregnant cat curled on my…

One more tree

It is morning as I wake, after gently pushing a cat or two out of the way. I look  over and see the montage of my kids on the wall, now grown up and gone. Then I look out the high window and enjoy my 60 foot tall black poplar. The redwing blackbirds singing me awake in…

Looking for Mr. Wolf

I have romanticized Wolves for most of my life as mystical creatures. I have pictures of them on my walls. Feeling pain and anger hearing of wolves hunted for pelts or fun. I have always felt they were kindred spirits and seeing them, an omen of good fortune to come. Until a pair coming through my land…

100 24 cent screws, a smokin’ table saw and zombies

“Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven’t half the strength you think they have.” Norman Vincent Peale I finished  adding all the two by three pieces to the trailer. $24 bucks worth of screws  one ruined handsaw, a smoking table saw and a couple of days…

Broken Hand saw

I ran low on two by threes this afternoon so I used some cast off two by fours. Mistake. I was making a crosscut with my handsaw, I hit a hidden broken off screw. This ruined my handsaw which I have used for years. I like hand-sawing, there is something comforting in listening to and…

Mark it on the Calendar I start putting wood on the trailer.

Feb 24 2013. That is when I started to write posts about my tiny house build. June 14 2014 I am actually putting on my first piece of wood. First a layer of 2×3 ‘s to even out the bent trailer a little. I just finished a coat of paint on the trailer the bottom…

Finally Building a tiny house

My trailer is back from the welders. He did an excellent job considering the trailer was a bent rusty POS. I just watched a tiny house movie on Netflix and another full length movie on another build that gave me some the little bit of energy I needed to get going again. I have been…