Category: Build

Version 42 and online dating.

I have time to redesign due to the heavy snow and the -45 degree weather. I am actually thankful for the weather. BTW for those of you new to my website there  is always music at the bottom of the post. You may not like my choices. If do do hit play and read on….

Welding Happened.

It is -23 C outside. Too cold for building. Its been a while since I put up a post.   I wasn’t able to afford welding that was needed on the trailer. The estimates that came in were more than the value of the trailer. I haven’t done any work on the tiny house in…

Put the Sheep in the walls ………………………………….Insulation Part 2 wool insulation

   Wool has been keeping us warm for thousands of years. Over eight thousand if I read wikipedia correctly. I remember the itchy wool sweater my mom used to make me wear when I was a kid, I remember fishing trips with my family on the open water off the coast of B.C. Mostly I…

Insulation NOW WHAT? Part 1

I need to consider what I am going to put on an in my walls in order to keep me warm in forty below and cool in the summer heat. I do not plan to put in an air conditioner. I am about to rip up some 2×10 boards I have had sitting here for…

Cutting floor joists

Yesterday I spent the day getting my wood work shop cleaned and ready for the cutting. I needed to cut 16 foot two by tens down to 9″9″ to further mill them down to make parts for my  I beam floor joists. I was left over with almost the right length for the center sections….

Back to the Grind

  After my incident with sparks and nearly burning down my house, I spent the morning cleaning up an area filled with dry leaves bits of lumber and debris. Under the debris gravel. I raked it smooth then backed the frame for my tiny house into location. The time had come. Time to grind away…

Putting out the fire with Gasoline.

Today I almost died in a fire. I had covered some of my lumber with old lumber tarps on the weekend to help keep them dry. It was a pile 1x 6 that will end up being used to build the roof arches. I had backed the trailer into my driveway so that I could…

Toilet sink-conserve space & water

I spent hours designing my tiny house. I couldn’t find a place to fit a tub or a sink in the bathroom. Then I discovered toilet sinks. And no it uses fresh water not toilet water. The water ends up in your bowl after you wash. If  yo are already living in an earth ship…


I decided to post a gallery of my progress so far. These are concept pictures only. They were to help me layout what I am going to build. TWO SONG DAY

Beaten by weather again.

I had a productive weekend planned working on the trailer. I woke up to a fresh 3 inches of snow this morning. Heavy snowfall warning Another four to six inches forecast for tomorrow morning. (Update: at 9:00 am there was already six inches and more coming down. I just realized I am out of coffee…