Category: Technical

Broken Gladiator

I have been dreading this day since December 2 2014, the day of my car accident. Winter is approaching although slowly thank God. I need winters wood. I have put this off as long as I can. Many have promised to come and help, but none that show That part is okay, it is after…

100 24 cent screws, a smokin’ table saw and zombies

“Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven’t half the strength you think they have.” Norman Vincent Peale I finished  adding all the two by three pieces to the trailer. $24 bucks worth of screws  one ruined handsaw, a smoking table saw and a couple of days…

Broken Hand saw

I ran low on two by threes this afternoon so I used some cast off two by fours. Mistake. I was making a crosscut with my handsaw, I hit a hidden broken off screw. This ruined my handsaw which I have used for years. I like hand-sawing, there is something comforting in listening to and…

Finally Building a tiny house

My trailer is back from the welders. He did an excellent job considering the trailer was a bent rusty POS. I just watched a tiny house movie on Netflix and another full length movie on another build that gave me some the little bit of energy I needed to get going again. I have been…

New Design -Cost Cutting Economic Reality

My Design has had to change.   The windows I wanted to put in are no longer available in western Canada. I am sure I could have had replaced with even more expensive custom made windows. With 17 windows at the economic price of a hundred bucks apiece was still expensive. I will still inquire with…

Welding Happened.

It is -23 C outside. Too cold for building. Its been a while since I put up a post.   I wasn’t able to afford welding that was needed on the trailer. The estimates that came in were more than the value of the trailer. I haven’t done any work on the tiny house in…

Put the Sheep in the walls ………………………………….Insulation Part 2 wool insulation

   Wool has been keeping us warm for thousands of years. Over eight thousand if I read wikipedia correctly. I remember the itchy wool sweater my mom used to make me wear when I was a kid, I remember fishing trips with my family on the open water off the coast of B.C. Mostly I…

Cutting floor joists

Yesterday I spent the day getting my wood work shop cleaned and ready for the cutting. I needed to cut 16 foot two by tens down to 9″9″ to further mill them down to make parts for my  I beam floor joists. I was left over with almost the right length for the center sections….

Cookin’ with water…….as the fuel.

First go to the bottom and start the Beatles song. Then read the rest.   What does all this have to do with my tiny house? This all part of the plan to get off the grid and stay off including  propane. I am no expert in the production of HHO or Hydroxy as it…

Toilet sink-conserve space & water

I spent hours designing my tiny house. I couldn’t find a place to fit a tub or a sink in the bathroom. Then I discovered toilet sinks. And no it uses fresh water not toilet water. The water ends up in your bowl after you wash. If  yo are already living in an earth ship…