Category: Technical

Beaten by weather again.

I had a productive weekend planned working on the trailer. I woke up to a fresh 3 inches of snow this morning. Heavy snowfall warning Another four to six inches forecast for tomorrow morning. (Update: at 9:00 am there was already six inches and more coming down. I just realized I am out of coffee…

The answers will come.

The weather is starting to get better, snow is starting to go. Soon I will get to start building my new home. I wasn’t sure where to start with my floor joists. I have been trying to figure it out for a few days. Then late last night I woke up with a clear idea…

In Hot Water

I have been researching hot water systems for my tiny house while I wait for winter to leave.  Tank less heaters while using more fuel while they burn, only burn while you are using the water. Instead of always keeping the water hot all the time. I have decided on a tank less heater with…

L.E.D. Lighting

I ran into an old friend and client in the grocery store the other day, we exchanged greetings caught up on on past experiences missed. Then we said our goodbyes. At the till I caught up with him again, on the counter in front of me I saw a dozen incandescent bulbs ranging from 40W to 100W….


If I was going to build a tiny house on wheels I had to research what the laws were for hauling this on the highway in Canada. Please do not use my numbers as gospel. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH and check the laws in your location. This is what I found out in Canada. HEIGHT…