Category: Uncategorized

Apr 14

It has been an 8-year journey getting to here. I am back at doing another version. I needed to fit a new family inside. Here are some of the pics not done

Mar 30 2021 Trailer

Growing up in a trailer, you think everything you get is good. I always thought it was a gift from God, because some people are out here struggling and on the street. We had warmth. We had clothes. We had a roof over our head. Bam Adebayo It’s been a long time since I posted…

Evolution of my tiny house from 2013 till now

Been awhile

It has been many months since I wrote here. so much has happened in my life. I have experienced death and near death. I have starved and had plenty. I managed to get through more attacks from own government. The government I swore to protect and serve during my time in the Military here in…

Getting Ready

It has been a very longtime since I wrote anything. Two years ago a white truck on a white road hidden by the sun and the white frost on my passenger t-boned me. I stopped at the stop sign, looked like I have a thousand times before, on a dirt road a mile from house….

Another day Another Coyote Chase

Today I went out to my little deck to have my coffee and let the dog out. I noticed a familiar grey shape hiding in the grass looking for a cat snack. My dog noticed too. Once she is in hunting mode human words can’t stop her. I knew what needed to happen. I ran…

I keep on chooglin’

    Today I moved a wheelbarrow full of green wood 100 feet. I had to take a rest halfway and I looked like I was walking on Jupiter, gravity squashing me down at every step. I keep on chooglin’. Its something I repeat to myself to keep going when the pain gets too bad,…

What a Fookin year

        Wow Its been a year since I committed words to the page of this blog. I have survived and walked away from a major accident. Now when I say walked away. I mean I climbed out of my vehicle now on fire, realized my neck and back were broken and layed down…

The frost giants are coming.

  Out to the barbecue,  fire up the side burner fill up the kettle for my morning coffee. I hear a familiar honking of my own personal squadron of Canada Geese as they do the fall flyby to say goodbye for this year. I live in an amazing place. I am under a major migratory…


  So what the heck is Kiva you ask.  It is an organization that helps people in other countries to find small loans for business, home improvements, education, agriculture and more. There is a video below that describes how it works. I started loaning small amounts a few years ago, I didn’t have the money…