Category: Uncategorized

Pulling a thistle

Yesterday on my way outside I grabbed my leather gloves. I thought I would resume my battle with my thistles in my veggie garden. I pulled about ten plants, on the eleventh, I felt a popping in my lower back. then extreme pain. The rest of the evening I spent in my recliner, trying not…

One more tree

It is morning as I wake, after gently pushing a cat or two out of the way. I look  over and see the montage of my kids on the wall, now grown up and gone. Then I look out the high window and enjoy my 60 foot tall black poplar. The redwing blackbirds singing me awake in…

Looking for Mr. Wolf

I have romanticized Wolves for most of my life as mystical creatures. I have pictures of them on my walls. Feeling pain and anger hearing of wolves hunted for pelts or fun. I have always felt they were kindred spirits and seeing them, an omen of good fortune to come. Until a pair coming through my land…

Mark it on the Calendar I start putting wood on the trailer.

Feb 24 2013. That is when I started to write posts about my tiny house build. June 14 2014 I am actually putting on my first piece of wood. First a layer of 2×3 ‘s to even out the bent trailer a little. I just finished a coat of paint on the trailer the bottom…


  My welder has dedicated his Saturday to fabbing and welding my extensions gussets so I can walk through my tiny house with hitting my shoulders on both sides . Thank you Rob. I am getting excited again. I have been waiting for a year. Not due to my welder, but weather, money, and all that…

Electrics, Solar, UPS/INVERTER MOD

. I am sitting in my summer office ( no heat). I moved over too soon, it was -5 this morning outside.  Its is only 12 degrees C in my office. So decked out in my my muskrat hat (I am sure the muskrat died of natural causes) ear  flaps down, four blankets and my very warm…

Snow Happens

Forecast Snow more snow. I expect it I live in northern Alberta. Tomorrow night another four inches of snow. The big melt had started here driveway is muddy the five feet of snow was down to a foot. A few more days and the polar bears would have migrated north. Kidding no polar bears here….


Is determination to get through a project all you need. Or is it blind faith. Some days I feel Richard Dreyfuss trying to get to Devils Tower in the movie Close encounters. I need to build this tiny house in the face of what seems like impossible odds. Money, health issues, my own government ,weather…

I’ve been framed.

What I should have said is that one of the answers I have been trying to work out is the final design of the frame. After studying designs from two builders. The design I came up with is a variation of Celina’s Design. Celina started her build when she was sixteen. Thanks Celina. This morning…

Winter is over

Saturday the temperature will be 0 degrees Celsius. It is supposed to stay that way till April. The last week the temp has been as low as -35 c.   It means I can start building my tiny house. Yehaw. I rushed to finalize the final design. Here are a few preview pics.