“Snow provokes responses that reach right back to childhood.”

Andy Goldsworthy

The snow came in the night another four inches of fresh. I am thankful I went to get wood yesterday, even though it was painful. It would have been worse with the new snow. I will remove that and wrestle the 200 hundred pound snowblower once it stops coming down. I woke to a cold house but bearable it was 19 inside my house. I had turned the fire down low so it would still be burning when I woke. Better than to try to scramble around and try to find kindling and paper and start again and the result would have been an even house colder house. Suffer a little suffer a lot.

Pain today 5

Supplements taken ginkgo 60 mg Vitamin d3 1000 b12 2500 MCG pain killers taken: none I don’t do those, no pharma, just aspirin low dose once a day.

Made by the same company that now owns Monsanto. So they make the chemicals that give you cancer, poison our oatmeal and then sell the remedies. I wrote about that conspiracy theory in my novel that I wrote in 2014. I finished that just before I was almost killed last time in the car accident.  Again. If you like time travel sci-fi you can even read that here. Needs rewriting I will get to that soon.

Appearance: smiling biker with crazy hair. Yup soon as the snow water is warm enough on the wood stove gonna wash the hair.

Heating water on the fire now crackling for my One packet of ginseng tea mixed in with my morning coffee.

Walking like a zombie. With a purpose. Still made the noises getting up but not as loud. The first few steps always look like a rehearsal for the TWD and not sheriff Ricks part. hahaha, I don’t even watch that but I know everyone else does that and GOT.

Speech aphasia a little talking to myself and the cats got a few words mixed up but that’s been happening for a few years Typing words still difficult today the pain is now in my wrists and hands probably from swinging the axe and chainsaw yesterday.

I have no plans for today. The roads will be bad until they are plowed so a trip to the big city is out for a few days. I can survive for a few days on what I have. The cats have food, but they don’t like the new stuff I bought local, two big bags, they turn their nose at it but eat it just the same. I will get them the stuff they like and keep the stuff I bought for emergencies when I go in for shopping. That’s it, for now, pictures to follow and updates as I go through the day.

Damn wheelbarrow got empty again. So like yesterday did all the things I did to get ready to go out and chop. So out I go again pushing the barrow through the four inches of fresh. Grab a few pics of the pristine snow. Grab a log off the pile I so neatly stacked yesterday, and whack at it with an axe until it gives me firewood. I do this until I have a wheelbarrow full of wood. I estimate 500 pounds this time.

Don’t worry tree huggers, the wood is all pine beetle-killed pine. I have the most efficient woodstove money could buy. Bought that back when I had money. I respect the environment a lot more than the tree huggers who drive gas-guzzling one mile a gallon SUV’s, while sitting idling in the Tim Horton’s drive-thru waiting for their double double. Hypocrites.

I read about music therapy or rhythm therapy to help people like me to walk. I didn’t put much faith in it. Until I was pushing a barrow full of logs to sounds of tweeter and the monkey man. It was weird I was almost marching in time to the song. It fuckin worked. I pushed that barrow through the four inches of fresh and the three from the last snowfall without effort in time like I was never hurt or never ill. I will have to do more research into that.

Anyways I am back inside. I am dizzy, major fatigued and in pain but smiling. One song made my life a little easier a little better. And it wasn’t when axl came up and started singing knockin on heavens’ door. I am not ready to quit. I got shit needs doing.

Update it’s 2 pm. I noticed my solar batteries were low. I needed to generate.I checked the oil it was too full. Yesterday it was good. I didn’t understand, so I thought it was a good time to change it. I have to lift the generator and tilt it then drain the old oil into an old measuring cup. Fucking heavy stupid design. So I add oil, start it up and it tells me there still isn’t enough oil. So I haul it inside again add more. It seems to be running ok now. I am sitting at my laptop again typing this. A two-minute job turned into a 45 minute job. Just what I needed one more thing. 😀 Need another nap.

Take care and be safe Rod

the chopping block

what I need to do every day