The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.

Ronald Reagan

I would love to write a long entry today, but I find that after reading the news and dealing with people I find myself without words.

I am not an anti-vaxxer protester or any other labels that the government and media choose to demonize me with. I have worn a mask since the beginning, even when anti-maskers tried to rip it from my face. I kept wearing it while Jason Kenney so arrogantly removed all the restrictions, killing hundreds, and they blamed that on the unvaccinated. I was in a hospital a few months ago and was told I would be refused medical attention unless I submitted to a covid test. A test that would not give results for days at that time. Then I heard about the woman who was refused a tetanus shot unless she was vaccinated. Once again, Doctors, the drug pushers of big Pharma. Ya I read about the doctors that were paid millions to push a certain drugs. You will see Pfizer is on the list.

What is all about for me is a strong distrust for Government and big Pharma. For me, that happened long before Covid. I even wrote those theories into a novel I wrote in Oct 2014. In December 2014 I was involved in a major car accident that should have taken my life. Coincidence, I hope so.

I question the companies s humanitarian facade, with the hidden agenda of profit. Pfizer is now working on a daily pill to keep Covid at bay. So how long will we have to take that, my guess, forever as long as it is profitable.

My favourite theory I read this morning is, vax is in your salad dressing. Even I find that one funny, but the Chinese government working on a spray version of vax that can be deployed from planes, that one I find a little scary. Or the fact there are Governments out there already forcing people to get the jab.

Pfizer made 33 Billion Dollars claiming their MNRA vax was safe , but in January of this year, they were trading vax for medical results. Proof for me that we are undergoing large-scale human testing. Read it for yourself here. We are now the lab rats and rabbits. Karma probably for the many animals killed testing chemicals for Pharma. I wonder how many of those were actually human trials on homeless people.

Is it possible that the virus was created by big Pharma, funded by Governments that want to remain alive and in power, entirely, but it would be wrong to accuse them of killing millions to make more money or to keep power? Oh oh, I predict a sudden death in my future for saying this out loud.

I don’t care if u have gotten the vax or plan to, and you should respect the fact that it is my choice whether or not. I respect yours. I can also see we are heading for a war anti-vax against the vaxxers and vice versa, fuelled by politicians and media. I hope I am wrong.