O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?

Percy Bysshe Shelley

How did groundhog day start. I decided to find out.

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Ok forget that I stopped reading when Gobblers Knob was mentioned. Punxsutawney Phil’s story wouldn’t be told here today.

I used a different method, I checked the far-reaching weather forecasts. It all looked mostly mild for the next two months.

I hoped that was true, my firewood was non-exsistent. I had a big pile of snow on top of the last of my wood, and I was sure that was solid ice.

I wasn’t even sure my good Samaritan could move it with his big machine.

The alternative wasn’t pretty. Hand cutting logs out of the pile with the chainsaw one at a time. Not fun, not pretty, hard on chains, hard on this human.

I just swept my fireroom and restacked the wood wet and dry. I was left with a 100 pound pile of debris, roots , dirt and much worse.

I restacked the wet wood closer to the fire to help it dry out more.

4 feet across 12 inches deep at the center

All the available wood I have left

I would burn the debris when it was warmer, until then I am sure the cats will find many uses for that.

I went out for snow. The air was still cold enough to bite my lungs. I would wait awhile before running the gen.

I just cooked a full container of plant-based eggs. I have to admit, they tasted good. The proportions for the price, not worth it. It was 7$ CDN  for a small plate of eggs. The equivalent of two to three eggs.

When they lower the price, they will put egg ranchers out of business.

The picture on the package was misleading. I cooked the whole thing and ended up with a child’s portion.